Pentecost Sunday

June 2022 at the United Methodist of Santa Cruz

Welcome to this Season of Pentecost and beyond . . . a time for  sharing the love of Jesus Christ with our neighbors.

We remain committed to offer a healthy and safe ministry as this COVID Pandemic changes.  We offer Hybrid Worship and Hybrid and Zoom Small Groups.  Check out our website for the latest information about our ministry.  We invite you to “Like Us” on Facebook!  

Join us as we deepen our resolve to share love generously.  

Whoever you are and wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome to grow with us.

Rainbow Cross

June 5th – Pentecost and Communion

Pentecost Sunday

Celebrate the birthing of the Christian Movement with Acts 2.  Allow the Spirit of God to ‘fall afresh on you’ and inspire you to grow in your faithful outreach to others.  Our Visual today is variegated flax, contributed to us by Joseph Jacobs.  Wear ‘fiery colors’ as we express support for our LGBTQI sisters and brothers this PRIDE month….


We recognize the gift of Wisdom as we embrace God who is Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. We will address Proverbs 8,
and hear the emphasis on Peace with Justice. Wisdom comes in many forms, and God invites us to take the path that leads to the inclusion of all people.

Linda Wilde shares this visual from Old Rhodes, Greece.

Old Rhodes, Greece

June 19th


Today we embrace the writer of Psalm 42, who wrote this prayer trying to integrate personal struggle with spiritual life. Perhaps as we recognize our male mentor/life coach, we can write a psalm reflective of our journey in faith and life.

Our visual comes from Cindy Schuette, who shares the vastness of Alaska. Where do we find the Saving Presence of God?

June 26th

II Kings 2 expounds upon the Elijah and Elisha story. Elisha yearns for ‘double the spirit’ of Elijah before they are separated. 

What gift of wisdom would do you yearn to inherit from your mentor/life coach?  Are you willing to speak this sacred truth to you beloved?  to God?  Are you able and willing to share this ‘doubled spirit’ for the fulfillment of our hurting world?!

Our visual this day comes from Joseph Jacobs