Easter 2021

Easter Continues . . . . Hallelujah!!!

Join us in continuing to celebrate the Season of Easter on Zoom, Sunday mornings at 10:45 am Sunday!  Fellowship Gathering begins at 10:30 am.  Zoom Links to our Worship Services and our Small Groups can be secured by sending your contact information to us via this website.

 Even in the midst of a pandemic, where the illnesses of our broken world continue to confront us, we celebrate the message of Easter which never ends!  The healing grace of God in Christ is with us!           

Here is a peek at the rest of April . . . .

Earth Day

We witness to our faith as we celebrate on this April 18th Sunday, not only Earth Day, but our care of Native American Ministries

We will reflect upon how God is opening up our minds to understand the needs of the crisis of our earthly strife and racial tensions, and how God is inviting us—calling us, really—to respond to the earth and our neighbors with kindness.  Luke 24:36-48

You may be able to guess the focus of the Good Shepherd scripture we will use  reading on April 25th … John 10:11-18.

We could all use a ‘Good Shepherd’ to care for us and guide us and be reminded of what can happen in our lives and our community/nation/world when we are not guided by a gentle, spirited soul … who is constantly having to remind us how to live. 
