Preparing for Advent

Advent 2020

Preparing the Way for Christmas with Advent Calendar 2020

Thanksgiving Weekend as we start to “Get Ready”

“. . . What does our Creator God require of you . . . to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God.”   ~~~ Micah 6:8

We are excited to announce that in this Pandemic Year, as we ready ourselves for Christmas, we will join with the United Methodist Churches in our area to walk with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem.  Just as Joseph and Mary needed to travel for the Census in that year, so we have completed our census, and now in this unusual year, we look once again with hope, peace, joy and love to the birth of the Light of the World, Jesus!  We are so in need of healing … from the pandemic, from racial strife, and from all the forms of injustice that continue to plague our communities, our nation, and our world. 

We invite you to journey with us, beginning on December 1st through Christmas, as we share an Advent Calendar from our hearts.  Each day there will be a meditation that will speak to our journey toward new life. 

Join us, won’t you, as we prepare room in our hearts, our lives, and our world, for the one who taught us to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with God.  Each congregation will share this Advent Calendar; please check with the United Methodist Church in your community.  

Gracious God … we pray for your light to shine in and through our lives.  Empower us to make room for the gift of life in Jesus and empower us to open our hearts to love our neighbors as we love you.  Amen!

Pastor Jay, Santa Cruz, on behalf of Pastors Clyde (Boulder Creek), Gabe (Aptos), Hwapyoung (Gilroy), Karla (Hollister), Patrick (Morgan Hill), and Robin (Watsonville).