Small Groups during the Pandemic
Welcome to the United Methodist Church of Santa Cruz! We are pleased to have you exploring our Website! Our Small Groups offer spiritual enrichment opportunities, as well as support. Please join us to explore and deepen your spirit! YOU are welcome here . . . .
To connect with us while our church building is supporting unhoused guests of the Faith Community Shelter, simply send us an email on our Contacts Page, so that we may answer any question you may have during this time of Sheltering In Place….
Our Small Groups include:
- Tuesday Morning Zoom Upper Room (spiritual support and enrichment)
- Tuesday Evening Zoom Centering Prayer (meditation)
- Wednesday Walking Group (masks required)
- Thursday Evening Zoom Upper Room (spiritual support and enrichment)
- Saturday Afternoon Zoom Reading Group/Discussion (The Cross & The Lynching Tree)
- Sunday Morning Zoom Upper Room (spiritual support & enrichment)
- Zoom Sunday Morning Worship at 10:45 am
Future Small Groups include:
- Zoom Bible Study
- FaithWorks with Fiber (knitting group for projects and support)
- Zoom Advent Study